Jeanne Delanoue High School

Jeanne Delanoue High School

2015 | Cholet, France

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The Jeanne Delanoue High School in Cholet has created a 180-bed boarding school near the Bon Pasteur site, at the corner of rue Eugène Delacroix and bordage Chapeau.

An educational project:

To define this program, the architects of the Crespy and Aumont agency joined forces with the students, gathered in a committee aiming to design the distribution of living spaces, the arrangement of the rooms according to the sectors ...
The corridors are covered with Tapiflex Evolution decor Spice and ProtectWall Vital White, and the stairs with Tapiflex Stairs. For damp rooms, nearly 1300 m² of Watercolor Wall HFS Gray covers the walls and 600 m² of Granite Safe T. Chestnut in the showers.
The building, built on 5 levels, has a pronounced environmental component that tends towards RT2020.

Suggested collections


The creation of a residence-boarding school for the well-being of its students.

